Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Feeling so fried like a cheese stick

I'm feeling so ICK today. I hope my nose clears up by tonight beacuse auditions for Guys and Dolls are tonight. Well, I guess I'm going tomorrow too, because I'm one of the younger ones auditioning, and the director, Tom, will choose the older kids to be in it, more likely. I can't wait, because Guys and Dolls is one of my favorite musicals of all time. I want to get a real part this time, unlike all the other plays I've been in, but I'll tell you about that someother time, after Tom casts this play.

So like I said, my nose is stuffy, and my ear hurts because of all the grossness-all-up-in-my-nose, and I'm sitting here writing this while listening to Dane Cook. If you don't know who Dane Cook is, look him up, he's hilarious.

Oh yeah, I forgot, school starts tomorrow. I had a dream last night that I lost my schedule. I hope that doesn't happen for real, because otherwise I'd be like "Um.....mmm....Can you...uh...help me? PLEASE?" to some random person and then end up falling down the stairs.

I should probably go, but I'll maybe post later today, you know, because I'm super bored.

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