Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date!

So, I have a LOT to tell you guys.
Last night were the Guys and Dolls auditions. Not much to say there.
Today was the first day of school. Not much to say, except that I am taller than my locker. I have a teacher who is exactly the same in personality as me and my friend Randy. He was all like, "We will be discussing your personlity; or lack thereof."
I was just like "lol".
I don't even want to make an effort to make this funny, because I don't have the time, but I'll ost more tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Glee Crapness

I'm just bored. So, Imma entertain you with some random Glee-related crap.

Ok bye.

I Still Think That Mary Poppins is a Time Lord

She totally is. I mean, her bag is a TARDIS, it's bigger on the inside. And she can just float down with her umbrella like WTF.

To see more Pop Culture Time Lords, Watch this video by the marvelous WhatTravisSays.

Feeling so fried like a cheese stick

I'm feeling so ICK today. I hope my nose clears up by tonight beacuse auditions for Guys and Dolls are tonight. Well, I guess I'm going tomorrow too, because I'm one of the younger ones auditioning, and the director, Tom, will choose the older kids to be in it, more likely. I can't wait, because Guys and Dolls is one of my favorite musicals of all time. I want to get a real part this time, unlike all the other plays I've been in, but I'll tell you about that someother time, after Tom casts this play.

So like I said, my nose is stuffy, and my ear hurts because of all the grossness-all-up-in-my-nose, and I'm sitting here writing this while listening to Dane Cook. If you don't know who Dane Cook is, look him up, he's hilarious.

Oh yeah, I forgot, school starts tomorrow. I had a dream last night that I lost my schedule. I hope that doesn't happen for real, because otherwise I'd be like "Um.....mmm....Can me? PLEASE?" to some random person and then end up falling down the stairs.

I should probably go, but I'll maybe post later today, you know, because I'm super bored.

Monday, August 29, 2011

I have a cold.

I think. My nose is really stuffy and runny, and I have nothing better to do then post on here. I'm so bored, so please enjoy this .gif of some random guy from Mori no Ike (my Japanese camp) doing an evil laugh.

So, School

For me, school starts on August 31st. As of right now, that is in two days, if you count today. I really want school to start, but I also don't want it to start. It will be nice to see my crazy friends again, but I'm just going to be like FHFGFRJGNFBVYJFDTHGD by the end of the first day.
When I wake up on Tuesday I'll be like
I just now realised that I have Dracula: The Legacy Collection DVD checked out. I haven't watched it, and it's due today. Oh, joy.

This is weird....

Well, hello there! If you're reading this, you probably know me in real life, or you somehow found it on the net. I don't really know what to write here right now, because nothing much has happened recently.
I promise though, this blog WILL get more exciting. I just have to start school first and, well, that's always a drag.